This week’s Monday Motivation goes out to my dear friend Allison Niedermeier.

Last fall, she took a chance in her career, leaving her steady job to work on the production of Martin Scorsese’s newest film, The Wolf of Wall Street (scheduled to be out this Holiday season). 

The film’s trailer has just been released to the public and features an original score by Jay-Z. 

To quote Ted “It should be called OSCAR of Wall Street”- this one is going to be a winner.

Take a look at the trailer.  It looks really exciting.
So the Moral of this Allison Niedermeier Inspired Motivation…… 
Take a Risk, Put Your Heart Into It, And You WILL be greatly rewarded.

Happy Monday!
12/31/2014 03:06:36 pm

You have given us the opportunity to understand the topic. You have a very clear view over the subjects which make it very simple to comprehend. Thank you so much.


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