Today’s motivation is inspired by 2 brands who are doing a great job of “Thinking Outside the Box”:
·         Mini (a BMW owned auto company)
·         Taco Bell

These 2 companies do a great job of not just speaking at consumers, but actually speaking with them and their unique strategy is paying off handsomely.  They are great reminders of the successes you can achieve if you break out of the mold and do things YOUR way.
Mini- “Not Normal”
Mini’s media campaign is all about celebrating your individuality so in turn their marketing is unique. 

This year they launched their “Not Normal” campaign using unique marketing strategies such as displaying cars from posts to catch the attention of consumers and custom digital screens that aim messages directly to Mini drivers.

As Mini drivers pass digital screens along one of London's main roads, they find simple, fun content aimed directly at them.  Messages such as "Hey Cream Mini, what's your secret?" and ""Hello blue Mini driver" flash up on giant screens, thanks to software that recognizes the Minis as they drive by.  At gas stations along the way, Mini drivers are offered treats -- bacon sandwiches or smoothies in the morning and a tank of fuel or bunch of flowers on the journey home.

Mini's Not Normal Campaign is perfectly captured in this energy-pumping video that makes you want to immediately book it out of your normal house, buy a not normal mini, and laugh at all the boring normal people driving their boring normal sedans (and try the Pollack-style painting with your mini: watch the video to understand).

Taco Bell

You don’t have to look far to see that Taco Bell takes the “think outside the box” message to heart. Before they changed their campaign to Live Mas in 2011, their campaign was actually “Think Outside the Bun.”

Over the past two years, Taco Bell has even thought outside the “shell” to increased its menu offerings to add wraps and rice bowls and establish a partnership with Doritos launching the special Doritos Locos Tacos in the U.S.

Interestingly when the Doritos Locos Taco launched, they were only available in the U.S., not Canada.  Frustrated Canadians started posting all over social media their hurt for being left out of this culinary delight.  Rather than send the obligatory customer service email to these upset customers, Taco Bell did something really cool… 

They didn’t just listen to their consumers and silently make the Doritos Locos suddenly appear on Canadian menus, instead they embraced the resentment being thrown their way and threw it back in the face of the angry consumers to celebrate the arrival of the Doritos Locos in Canada.  Taco Bell made them eat their words.

Check out this video: 

Note:  Taco Bell just won Ad Age’s Marketer of the Year award and was named a top brand to follow on twitter by HuffPo

Happy Monday!

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